Monday, December 24, 2007

Maren Ord "Not Today", George Michael "Patience"


Maren Ord - Not Today
Year: 2004

1.Life is A Train [3:57]6.8 Mb
2.Thanks for the Memories [3:50]6.2 Mb
3.Say Goodbye [3:32]5.4 Mb
4.Hiding Place [4:05]5.2 Mb
5.Not Today [2:53]4.9 Mb
6.Where are You Now [4:41]7.1 Mb

Maren Ord "Not Today" Album Review

It's not "Waiting", but worth a listen.
Ok, I love Maren. Love love love. She's in my top ten artists, and has some songs that are just sheer brilliance.

Waiting has got to be one of my favourite albums. It's just amazing from track to track. Not Today, I wish I could say the same.

It seems that she's drifting more to the pop/rock spectrum, rather than the same pop/folk thing she had going on.

Maren can do much better, but this album is still better than more than half the stuff that is on the charts at the moment. Worth a listen, people who haven't heard Waiting will especially like it..


George Michael - Patience
Year: 2004

1.Patience [2:52]4.1 Mb
2.Amazing [4:25]6.3 Mb
3.John and Elvis are Dead [4:23]6.3 Mb
4.Cars and Trains [5:50]8.4 Mb
5.Round Here [5:54]8.5 Mb
6.Shoot the Dog [5:07]7.3 Mb
7.My Mother Had A Brother [6:17]9 Mb
8.Flawless (Go to the City) [6:50]9.8 Mb
9.American Angel [4:06]5.9 Mb
10.Precious Box [7:36]10.9 Mb
11.Please Send Me Someone (Anselmos Song) [5:25]7.7 Mb
12.Freeek 04 [4:28]6.4 Mb
13.Through [4:52]7 Mb
14.Patience part II [1:28]2.1 Mb

George Michael "Patience" Album Review

An important album for this musician
I first was aquainted with George Michael at the age of 7 or 8, when watching a live performance of "Somebody To Love" with Queen and George, for the Freddie Mercury Tribute concert. Little did i know what an impact that had on my life.

I think i owe George Michael some thanks for, in part ,helped make Freddie Mercury my favorite singer of all time and in turn, Freddie being the reason why i passionatly love singing today.

I never really got into George Michael, but i started to delve into his songs and found duets he did , and previous stuff with Wham, i really ended up like the Christmas song he did, and even got to sorta liking the song "Young Guns".

With my growing appreciation with soul and r&b , i developed more an ear for George Michael i think and now finally gave one of his albums a full devoted listen, and ill say i dont regret purchasing this album. For $13, i think its pretty good value.

My favorite songs on this album ended up being,

"Flawless": Its got a very dancable electronic sound to it, and its fun and exciting. The biggest reason at the time as to why i decided to buy the album in the first place.

"Amazing": is an upbeat, postive sounding sound, one could dance to. I love the lyrics when he sings "...How ya gonna make it on your own, if luck is a lady...maybe luck is a lady... I was going going down for the third heart was broken...i was not open to your suggestions...i had so many questions...that you just kissed away" ...etc, its nice upbeat song thats kinda infectious, if i may say so.

"American Angel": is a real nice sounding, slower song, that has a soothing melody. With some clever lyrics going on, in my opinion. Its just relaxing, and again, that melody of " My American Angel...He doesnt want to fight...My Usa of Angel...holds me in the dead of night...takes away that fear...".

"Precious Box": Though its kind of on the lengthy side, clocking at 7 minutes and 39 seconds, i like how it touches on that electronic sound again. And not to say long songs are not good...i love deep lengthy songs, but in this particular one in kinda recycles a bit and doesnt give much of a varied body of sounds for such a length, if that makes sense. But its a good song to listen to while driving, or while laying back in bed.

I would say a lot of these songs on PATIENCE are worthy of lying back in bed and just reflecting the lyrical passages. The title track, "Patience" is a kind of mournfull song that copes with loss i think, depicting the attempt to understand and come to terms with pain of losing a loved one. Though its not overtly sad and meloncholy, its still a bit sad, but not hopeless though.

George Michael has made some high quality songs here. He put a lot into them, and in many ways, very neccasary, due to the personal losses George Michael delt with at that time before hand, this album was and is a way of mourning, and its a healthy practice of it, that confronts deeper questions and thoughts of a heavenly father above him and at the same time remembering to still be positive. In all, this was a very important album for George Michael to make.

George Michael still seems youthfull to me, and hes learning through life. I hope his next album is more of a celebration, and more triumphant, but thats up to George Michael, becouse he does what he wants.

I give this album 3 and 1/2 stars becouse its not the most inspiring stuff ive heard or the most memorable, but its infectious and likable enuff to warrent more multiple listens, and i think with more listens, one will come to appreciate more of the songs and maybe end up really liking this album, sorta like i have.

The half star part i think was neccasary becouse i think lyrically, this album is kind of admirable, becouse its an honest matured disclosure of very personal things in Georges life, from death to new found trust in someone.

This is a quality album, with reflective soul searching, yet still offers a some excitment and dancable "Flawless", which after seeing live clips of the performance at Wembley, made me want the album big time.

Again, i give it 3 and 1/2 stars

I hope George comes back and does another album soon that is perhaps even more upbeat and uplifting, after hes settled with his current personal situations.

Video George Michael Patience Part 1- Iraq war

stop war peace

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