Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shaznay Lewis "Open", Klee "Jelaengerjelieber", Snow Patrol "Final Straw", Lucia Micarelli "Music from A Farther Room"


Shaznay Lewis - Open
Year: 2004

1.Intro-Open [1:12]1.7 Mb
2.Dance [3:29]6 Mb
3.Never Felt Like this [4:20]6.4 Mb
4.Mr Dawg [3:43]6.1 Mb
5.Heart Made Me A Fool [4:30]7.6 Mb
6.You [3:59]6.1 Mb
7.Don't Know What to Say [4:44]6.5 Mb
8.Mr Weatherman [4:23]6.2 Mb
9.Butterflies [3:36]5.4 Mb
10.Nasty Boy [4:47]7.9 Mb
11.Radio [2:51]4.3 Mb
12.Now You're Gone [3:43]5.4 Mb

Shaznay Lewis "Open" Album Review

Shaznay's Opened The Door To Let Us In
This album is one of a kind, and created in a certain way that other artists can't seem to accomplish.

Shaznay Lewis has tried her best to escape the realm of her past `All Saints' and entered successfully as an individual.
Her songs are written from her heart as the lyrics from each song are meaningful.
Her Introduction to her album `Open' explains to the listeners that this album is a ride that your about to enjoy and her journeys about to begin.

`Dance' is self-explanatory as Shaznay is testing a guy if he can keep up with her moves all night long. This song is accompanied by a rap singer called Biz Marke, personally I would have preferred if he wasn't in this. He sounds tacky.

The debut single `I Never Felt Like This Before' is a song no-one else can write as it takes brains! It's lush, melodies and feels as if cupid has attacked you with his bow and arrow. Shaznay's explaining to this guy (in her video) that she's in love with him and there is no point denying this. A unique song that will be remembered by Shaznay Lewis.

`Mr Dawg' is Shaznay singing with an attitude, she's not gonna let some guy mess her about and let him get away with it by calling her. This song is cool as Shaznay howls like a dog (Aow! Aow! So why you keep callin Mr Dawg?)
This song is a little repetitive but not boring as it'll get you hitched.

`Heart Made Me A Fool' is about a girl in a relationship with a guy and she knows that this isn't working out. All the kiss and begging won't change her mind. She's realised it's time to listen to her head speak rather than her heart as it made her a fool. This song is very funky and very meaningful.

`You' is unbelievably sublime! Shaznay is alone and waiting for her lover to return to her. Even though she is alone, she has things around her to remind her of him. In her video, the clouds and the edge of the mountain has been formed into a face. That face is Shaznay Lewis's husband, Christian Storm. This song calms you down and helps you to relax as the background music doesn't blare away. The best track of the album.

`Mr Weatherman' is basically Shaznay questioning the Weatherman why when she looks out the window, why does the sun disappear? And when she thinks of the person she loves, why does it rain? This song is different to the other songs as it uses an electric guitar and sounds like rock, but not too much. It's a nice song and very catchy.

`Butterflies' is a song about physical attraction. These feelings are overwhelming and Shaznay shivers and gets Butterflies when she looks into the guy's eyes.
This song is made to sound like it's being played from an old record, but it doesn't do it from start to finish. Only at the start and the end.

`Nasty Boy' is Shaznay having a great lust for bad boys and she wants to see what the boys can do to impress her. Even though these boys's love is dangerous, she can't help it as she's hypnotised. This song is something for the girls but nice enough to listen to.

`Radio' is about Shaznay seeing this guy on a ride and she doesn't know if this is good or bad. This guy is driving her crazy and she's doing her best to grab his attention (Feels like I'm driving this daisy, cutting my hair and changing my style)
But now this guy is gone, the pain is getting harder and it won't go away.
This song is addictive and should have been used as a single!

Last but not least, `Now Your Gone'. It was originally called `Crying' but then later changed for some reason. This song is about Shaznay in pain because her man is leaving and she can't stop crying over him. Nothing can help her as she misses him so much and she shreds so many tears on her pillow. This song is a great way to finish on this album as Shaznay hums at the end.

Overall, this is an amazing album that should be in everyone's hands. Shaznay Lewis should be proud of herself as she'll be making everyone obsessed with her music. Shaznay Lewis is a singer that should not be made out to be an embarrassment. She was great in All Saints and even greater being a solo artist. This album will not let you down. Trust me. Open x

Video Shaznay Lewis - Never Felt Like This Before (Live @ Viva )

Shaznay Lewis - Never Felt Like This Before (Live @ Viva Interacitve ) During promotion of Open album, and the release of Never Felt Like This Before Shaznay performs her debut single on German Viva Interactive show.


Klee - Jelaengerjelieber
Year: 2004

1.Fuer Alle Die [3:49]5 Mb
2.Tausendfach [4:32]6.9 Mb
3.Mit Dir [2:55]4.6 Mb
4.Gold [3:57]5.6 Mb
5.Mein Geheimnis [2:47]4 Mb
6.2 Fragen [5:01]7.1 Mb
7.Gegen Den Strom [4:00]5.9 Mb
8.Solang Du Lebst [3:36]5.1 Mb
9.Wunschfrei [4:04]6.2 Mb
10.Unser Film [3:36]5.1 Mb
11.Keine Zehn Pferde [2:47]4.1 Mb
12.Mein Zimmer [2:56]3.2 Mb

Klee "Jelaengerjelieber" Album Review

Album Description
The last two years have witnessed the staggering arrival of quite some bands with female charm. Cologne-based Klee can be rightly considered as pioneers of this exciting development. Since the mid-90s, Suzie Kerstgens, Tom Deininger and Sten Servaes have formed a close-knit team. As Klee they released the album Unverwundbar (`invulnerable') an album that marked them as being addicted to romantic ideas and in love with melodies. On their new album Jelängerjelieber we see Klee focused even stronger on songs, clarity and transparency. <P>With "Jelängerjelieber" (`verbatim, the longer, the better') Klee spent several months in their studio in Cologne to create the assembled songs that were given final treatment at Conny Plank's Studio (of Cluster fame). Klee's album has a soothing effect for all emotional characters. The strong atmospheric "corset" which on the last album held together the songs has been peeled away to reveal a band related to the European legacy of Air, The Smiths, New Order, or Coldplay. <P>Klee's pop songs are not a matter of people's age but character. Let's call them the generation of all those young at heart!


Snow Patrol - Final Straw
Year: 2004

1.How to Be Dead [3:21]5.4 Mb
2.Wow [4:01]7.1 Mb
3.Gleaming Auction [2:03]3.7 Mb
4.Whatevers Left [2:39]4.6 Mb
5.Spitting Games [3:45]6.8 Mb
6.Chocolate [3:02]4.9 Mb
7.Run [5:54]9.6 Mb
8.Grazed Knees [2:54]4.4 Mb
9.Ways and Means [4:47]7.5 Mb
10.Tiny Little Fractures [2:28]3.9 Mb
11.Somewhere A Clock is Ticking [4:32]7.4 Mb
12.Same [6:53]6.5 Mb
13.We Can Run Away Now Theyre All Dead and Gone (bonus) [3:15]3.5 Mb
14.Half the Fun (bonus) [2:54]5.2 Mb

Snow Patrol "Final Straw" Album Review

Dark new wave rock
It beats me why people compare this band to Travis, Coldplay and Keane. They are about as far from the classic pop sound of those bands - esp. Travis and Keane - as you could get. Instead, Snow Patrol have a driving, bass-heavy barre-chord driven sound with simple song structures. It brings out the beat, where Travis's songs bring out the strumming guitar and delicate chord changes. I guess the similarity lies with the emotional nakedness of Snow Patrol, which is what really makes them - and this cd - special. They are nowhere near as melodic as Keane, and, in fact, some songs verge on a kind of tedious blandness. But there is an obvious intelligence to the lyrics and an open anger that reminds me more of early Pub Rock or New Wave - Elvis Costello type stuff. I wouldn't mind a few more effective hooks (like the guitar riff in "Gleaming Auction"). This is driving rock - not the fairly light Britpop we've been listening to.

Video snow Patrol Final Straw live

Recorded live in Belfast's Empire, Oct 2003, just before they got huge.


Lucia Micarelli - Music from A Farther Room
Year: 2004

1.Samarkand [4:29]6.6 Mb
2.Oblivion [4:11]6.3 Mb
3.Meditation from Thais [5:07]6.6 Mb
4.Portrait [5:07]8.1 Mb
5.To Love You [3:38]4.1 Mb
6.Reflexio [4:22]6.7 Mb
7.Aurora [3:02]4 Mb
8.Lady Grinning Soul [4:10]6.3 Mb
9.Tres Rythme [6:11]8.9 Mb
10.She is Like the Swallow [4:28]5.3 Mb
11.My Funny Valentine [4:06]4.2 Mb
12.Nocturne and Bohemian Rhapsody [4:58]5.9 Mb

Lucia Micarelli "Music from A Farther Room" Album Review

A True Artist
Lucia's music provides a true gift to the listener through her mastery of the violin. Her phrasing and musicality is always evident and touching. Hopefully, Lucia will continue to produce cds!

Video To Love You More

To Love You More from Lucia Micarelli's album Music from a Farther Room

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